NCCCIA: Shaping the Future of Firearms Legislation

Welcome to the forefront of firearms advocacy. At NCCCIA, our mission is clear: to be a leading voice for sensible and evidence-based firearms legislation that promotes public safety while respecting the rights of law-abiding citizens. We believe that through thoughtful advocacy, strategic engagement, and collaboration with stakeholders, we can drive meaningful change in the realm of firearms policy, ultimately creating safer communities for all.

Our Mission

NCCCIA is dedicated to advocating for legislative reforms that address the root causes of gun violence while safeguarding the constitutional rights of individuals to responsibly own and carry firearms. Our mission is driven by a commitment to evidence-based policymaking, a respect for diverse perspectives, and a recognition of the complexities surrounding firearms issues. We seek to bridge divides, foster dialogue, and enact pragmatic solutions that prioritize public safety and individual rights.

Legislative Advocacy

As advocates for change, we work tirelessly to advance legislation that promotes common-sense measures to prevent gun violence. From universal background checks and closing loopholes supporting mental health initiatives, we advocate for policies that have been proven to reduce the risk of firearms-related harm while respecting the rights of responsible gun owners. Through strategic lobbying efforts, grassroots mobilization, and coalition building, we seek to build support for legislative reforms at the local, state, and federal levels.

Community Engagement

Creating lasting change requires the active participation of communities and individuals across the country. That’s why NCCCIA is committed to engaging with stakeholders from all walks of life, including gun owners, law enforcement, educators, healthcare professionals, and survivors of gun violence. By listening to diverse perspectives, building relationships, and fostering dialogue, we strive to create a more inclusive and collaborative approach to firearms advocacy, one that reflects the shared values and aspirations of our society.

Education and Awareness

Education is a powerful tool for change, and at NCCCIA, we are committed to raising awareness about the complex issues surrounding firearms legislation and gun violence prevention. Through public education campaigns, informational resources, and community forums, we provide the public with accurate, evidence-based information about the impact of firearms on public health, safety, and well-being. By empowering individuals with knowledge and understanding, we aim to cultivate a more informed and engaged citizenry capable of driving positive change.

Join Us in Advocating Change

If you’re passionate about creating a safer, more responsible approach to firearms policy, we invite you to join us in our mission to advocate for change. Whether you’re a concerned citizen, a survivor of gun violence, a law enforcement officer, or a policymaker, your voice and your actions matter. Together, we can shape a future where firearms legislation reflects our shared values of safety, responsibility, and justice. Join NCCCIA today and be a part of the movement towards a safer, more inclusive, and equitable society for all.