Advocating for Firearms Education and Responsibility

Welcome NCCCIA, where the mission of the Association is to bring all licensed concealed carry instructors together, primarily those licensed in the State of North Carolina, in addition to suppliers of services, education, training, and equipment. 

Our Mission

The mission of the Association is to bring all licensed concealed carry instructors together, primarily those licensed in the State of North Carolina, in addition to suppliers of services, education, training, and equipment. The Association is dedicated to improving the industry’s professionalism, affecting change in legislation or other governing rules and regulations when necessary, promoting a positive image of the licensed Concealed Carry Instructors profession to society, and attempting to resolve issues of concern. It shall also be a source of educational training for the professional enhancement of its members. It shall have an Annual Meeting and attempt to make that experience accessible to the broadest possible audience. The Association may initiate, present, or participate in activities and functions supporting its mission, including promoting the advantages of safely owning and utilizing firearms and personal safety training programs to the general public. This organization’s goal is to allow membership to the greatest number of instructors to ensure that the Association has the strongest voice for the profession in the State of North Carolina.

Advocacy and Outreach

As advocates for responsible firearm ownership, NCCCIA is committed to promoting positive perceptions of firearms and gun owners within society. Through community outreach we work to dispel myths and misconceptions surrounding firearms while emphasizing the importance of safety, training, and responsible gun ownership. By engaging with policymakers, the media, and the public, we strive to be a leading voice for firearms education and responsibility.

Community Support

Being a firearms instructor can sometimes feel like a solitary endeavor, but you’re never alone. Our community of instructors provides a supportive network where members can connect, share experiences, and learn from one another.

Join the Movement

If you’re passionate about firearms education, safety, and responsibility, we invite you to join us in our mission to empower instructors and advocate for responsible firearm ownership. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of individuals, families, and communities across the country. Join NCCCIA today and be a part of the movement towards a safer, more educated, and responsible approach to firearms ownership and usage.

Together, we can empower instructors, educate the public, and advocate for a future where firearms are respected, understood, and used responsibly. Join us in shaping that future today.